Seeing yourself clearly, lovingly and responsibly leads to true freedom. My specialty is relationships of all types (with yourself, romantic, family and friends). In a non-judgmental, non-confrontational way, I can guide you to respond to challenges and difficulties in your life and relationships, and to consciously build a more satisfying life. Love is a primary ingredient in what I do. I truly empathize and care for each of my clients just as they are. And because I do the work as well, my self-acceptance can positively impact yours. Identifying and voicing your needs (met and unmet) and their impact on others all while loving yourself and others is, ultimately, freeing.
Authentic communication means knowing yourself, your needs, boundaries and patterns, and expressing them responsibly and with love. People who see me want to see how their repetitive, harmful patterns have held them back from getting their needs met. Together, working on self-esteem, relationships, patterns, and communication skills can lead to lasting change in your life. You have the capacity to grow, to heal from whatever may be holding you back and to connect with your happiest self simply by truly being You. I speak ENG, FR and SPA with basic POR and ITA.
In my professional life, I have worked for over 15 years in the film and television industry, mainly in documentaries as a producer. My work experience has given me an in-depth knowledge of the demands, pressures and very real stress of the creative environment.
My certifications
BA McGill, 2002 (Double: Anthropology & International Development)
Individual Therapy, Centre de relation d'aide de Montréal (CRAM), 2021
Therapy with Teenagers, Centre de relation d'aide de Montréal (CRAM), 2022
My career in cinema, my qualifications
15 years of experience in documentary and fiction production (New Zealand and Canada)
My career in cinema, therapy consultancy
Film in Mind